Guide on Italy Immigration Laws

Foreign citizens interested in immigration to Italy must comply with various requirements which are enabled by the Immigration Act of 1998. There also other laws which foreigners need to comply with when arriving in Italy, some of them providing for the rights immigrants can acquire based on the type of visa they have entered the country.

Below, our immigration lawyers have prepared a small guide on all Italy immigration laws. If you are interested in immigrating to Italy and need assistance, our lawyers can help you apply for the suitable visa based on your needs.

What are the most important Italy immigration laws?

Those who want to move to Italy can do that by respecting the laws imposed at national but also international levels. Here are some of the most important immigration laws in Italy:

  1. the Immigration Act is the primary law that provides for the regulations which need to be respected by those immigrating to Italy;
  2. the Italy Investor Visa program which was enabled in 2017 and which targets foreign investors interested in immigrating to Italy;
  3. the Italian Civil Code which provides for the rights which can be obtained by foreign citizens based on their residence permits;
  4. Directive 2009/50/EC which provides for the conditions of entry and residence for non-EU citizens in EU countries;
  5. Directive 2011/98/EU also known as the Single Permit Directive for the simplified procedure of obtaining a residence permit for non-EU citizens to enter EU member states;
  6. Directive 2014/36/EU which provides for the employment permits which can be obtained by non-EU citizens seeking employment in EU states;
  7. Directive 2003/86/EC provides for family reunification visas and which was included in the Italian immigration laws.

As an EU member state, Italy immigration laws have incorporated most EU directives on immigration. Apart from these, Italy has also adhered to various international treaties for asylum seekers. Italy has also amended its law on refugee status in 2018. As a refugee, you can obtain a residence permit in Italy.

Our immigration lawyers in Italy can offer more information on the laws which provide for immigration.

The Italian Immigration Act

By far, one of the most important Italy immigration laws is the Immigration Act which has suffered various changes over the years. The latest version of the Italian Immigration Law was enabled in 2014. It also provides for the main ways to obtain Italian citizenship.

Among the provisions of Italy’s immigration laws:

  • foreign citizens arriving at Italian borders can be recognized under the national and international laws, as well as under international conventions on the fundamental human rights;
  • once legally entered the country, a foreign citizen will be granted the same rights as an Italian citizen, provided that international laws stipulate for a different status;
  • foreign citizens and their families legally working in Italy will be guaranteed the same treatment as to Italian workers;
  • foreign citizens must also comply with the legal obligations imposed on Italian citizens and participate in public life.

Foreign citizens can obtain the right to reside in Italy based on the types of permits issued by the local authorities.

Our lawyers can assist foreign citizens interested in immigration in Italy under any of the available types of visas.

Types of residence permits under Italy immigration laws

Foreign citizens can immigrate to Italy by applying for one of the visas acknowledged under the Immigration Act. Among the most sought types of visas in Italy are the permanent residence permit, the employment visa and the residence by investment visa.

Foreign citizens living in Italy also choose to bring family members by applying for family reunification visas. According to Italy immigration laws, foreign citizens can bring spouses and children based on family reunification visas.

One of the most sought programs enabled by the government is the Residency by Investment Scheme under which high net worth individuals can immigrate to Italy based on injecting at least 500,000 euros in a local company.

Our immigration lawyers in Italy can help foreign citizens interested in relocating here no matter the type of residence permit they want to apply for. If you want to apply for a residence permit in Italy, we are at your service.

Why immigrate to Italy?

Italy is one of the most beautiful European countries, however, it is also one of the states to offer a wide variety of residence permits accessible to foreign citizens. According to recent data issued by the Italian Statistics Office:

  • in 2017, the number of foreign citizens immigrating to Italy has increased by 14.5%;
  • at the beginning of 2018, the number of non-EU citizens with residence in Italy was 3,714,934.
  • Moroccans represented the largest number of non-EU immigrants (443,147) in 2018;
  • Albanians represented the largest number of European immigrants with a total number of 430,340 citizens.

For complete information on immigration laws and how to obtain Italian citizenship, please contact our lawyers.